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A client library for accessing data through the SparkWorks Rest API.

SparkWorks Rest API Python Client

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

pip install sparkworksrest

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install sparkworksrest)

Then import the package:

import sparkworks_client

Setting up the access to the SparkWorks Rest API

import sparkworks_client

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
configuration = sparkworks_client.Configuration("username", "password", "client_id", "client_secret")

# create an instance of the API class
api_client = sparkworks_client.ApiClient(configuration)

#initialize the clients needed
unit_api_instance = sparkworks_client.UnitApi(api_client)
group_api_instance = sparkworks_client.GroupApi(api_client)
phenomenon_api_instance = sparkworks_client.PhenomenonApi(api_client)
gateway_api_instance = sparkworks_client.GatewayApi(api_client)
resource_api_instance = sparkworks_client.ResourceApi(api_client)
command_api_instance = sparkworks_client.CommandApi(api_client)
registry_api_instance = sparkworks_client.RegistryApi(api_client)
data_api_instance = sparkworks_client.DataApi(api_client)
participatorySensing_api_instance = sparkworks_client.ParticipatorySensingApi(api_client)


Example 1: List Resources and Access Resource Data

import time

import sparkworks_client

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
configuration = sparkworks_client.Configuration("username", "password", "client_id", "client_secret")
print("access_token: " + configuration.access_token)

# create an instance of the API class

api_client = sparkworks_client.ApiClient(configuration)

resource_api_instance = sparkworks_client.ResourceApi(api_client)
unit_api_instance = sparkworks_client.UnitApi(api_client)
phenomenon_api_instance = sparkworks_client.PhenomenonApi(api_client)
data_api_instance = sparkworks_client.DataApi(api_client)

# list all Resources
resources = resource_api_instance.get_resources()

print "====resource===="
# retrieve resource by uuid
resource = resource_api_instance.get_resource_by_uuid(resources[0].uuid)
print resource

print "====phenomenon===="
phenomenon = phenomenon_api_instance.get_phenomenon_by_uuid(resource.phenomenon_uuid)
print phenomenon

print "====unit===="
unit = unit_api_instance.get_unit_by_uuid(resource.unit_uuid)
print unit

time_from = (int(round(time.time())) - 5 * 60 * 60) * 1000
time_to = int(round(time.time())) * 1000

print "====data 5min===="
# retrieve data - granularity 5min
data = data_api_instance.query_time_range({
    "queries": [
            "from": time_from,
            "to": time_to,
            "granularity": "5min",
            "resourceUuid": resource.uuid

for d in data.results.values():
    for datum in
        print "5min", datum

print "====data hour===="
# retrieve data - granularity hour
data = data_api_instance.query_time_range({
    "queries": [
            "from": time_from,
            "to": time_to,
            "granularity": "hour",
            "resourceUuid": resource.uuid

for d in data.results.values():
    for datum in
        print "hour", datum

Example 2: List Groups and Group Resources

import sparkworks_client

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
configuration = sparkworks_client.Configuration("username", "password", "client_id", "client_secret")
print("access_token: " + configuration.access_token)

# create an instance of the API class

api_client = sparkworks_client.ApiClient(configuration)

resource_api_instance = sparkworks_client.ResourceApi(api_client)
group_api_instance = sparkworks_client.GroupApi(api_client)

print "====groups===="
# list all groups
groups = group_api_instance.get_all_groups()
for group in groups:
    print group

print "====group[0].resources===="
# retrieve resources by group uuid
resources = group_api_instance.get_group_resources(groups[0].uuid)
for resource in resources:
    print resource

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CommandApi send_command POST /v2/command/{uuid} Send a command to a SparkWorks Actuator Resource
DataApi get_latest_by_uuid GET /v2/resource/{uuid}/latest Retrieve latest values and analytics for a single Resource
DataApi get_summary_by_uuid GET /v2/resource/{uuid}/summary Retrieve the data summary for a single Resource
DataApi publish_data POST /v2/resource/data/publish Publish data to a single or multiple Resources
DataApi query_latest POST /v2/resource/query/latest Retrieve the latest values received for multiple Resources
DataApi query_summary POST /v2/resource/query/summary Retrieve the data summaries of mutliple Resource
DataApi query_time_range POST /v2/resource/query/timerange Retrieve analytics for a single Resource
DataApi query_time_range_raw POST /v2/resource/query/raw/timerange Retrieve the raw data received for a single Resource
GatewayApi count_gateways GET /v2/gateway/count Count Gateways
GatewayApi create_gateway POST /v2/gateway Create a new Gateway
GatewayApi delete_gateway DELETE /v2/gateway/{uuid} Delete Gateway by its UUID
GatewayApi get_all_gateways GET /v2/gateway Retrieve a collection of Gateways
GatewayApi get_gateway_by_uuid GET /v2/gateway/{uuid} Retrieve a Gateway by its UUID
GatewayApi get_gateway_resources GET /v2/gateway/{uuid}/resource Get the Resources of a Gateway by the Gateway UUID
GatewayApi query_gateways POST /v2/gateway/query Retrieve a Gateway by a query
GroupApi count_groups GET /v2/group/count Count Groups
GroupApi create_group POST /v2/group Create a new Group
GroupApi delete_group_branch DELETE /v2/group/{uuid} Delete Group branch by the Group UUID
GroupApi get_all_groups GET /v2/group Retrieve a collection of Groups
GroupApi get_group_by_uuid GET /v2/group/{uuid} Retrieve a Group by its UUID
GroupApi get_group_gateways GET /v2/group/{uuid}/gateway Get the Gateways of a Group by the Group UUID
GroupApi get_group_resources GET /v2/group/{uuid}/resource Get the Resources of a Group by the Group UUID
GroupApi get_main_level_groups GET /v2/group/main List the main level Groups
GroupApi get_subgroups GET /v2/group/{uuid}/subgroup/{depth} Get the Subgroups of a Group by the Group UUID
GroupApi move_group_branch POST /v2/group/move/{sourceUUID}/{targetUUID} Move Group Branch
GroupApi update_group POST /v2/group/{uuid} Update Group
ParticipatorySensingApi create_ps_resource POST /v2/ps/resource Create a Participatory Sensing Resource with an autogenerated uri
ParticipatorySensingApi delete_ps_resource DELETE /v2/ps/resource/{uuid} Delete a Participatory Sensing Resource
ParticipatorySensingApi publish_ps_data POST /v2/ps/data Publish data to a Participatory Sensing Resource.
PhenomenonApi create_phenomenon POST /v2/phenomenon Create a Phenomenon
PhenomenonApi delete_phenomenon DELETE /v2/phenomenon/{uuid} Delete a Phenomenon by its UUID
PhenomenonApi get_all_phenomena GET /v2/phenomenon Retrieve a collection of Phenomenons
PhenomenonApi get_phenomenon_by_uuid GET /v2/phenomenon/{uuid} Retrieve a Phenomenon by its UUID
PhenomenonApi query_phenomena POST /v2/phenomenon/query Retrieve a Phenomenon by a query
PhenomenonApi update_phenomenon POST /v2/phenomenon/{uuid} Update Phenomenon
RegistryApi query_registry POST /v2/registry/query Query the Registry Service to retrieve a collection of Resources records with their last read value and timestamp by their UUID
ResourceApi count_resources GET /v2/resource/count Count Resources
ResourceApi create_resource POST /v2/resource Create a new Resource
ResourceApi delete_resource DELETE /v2/resource/{uuid} Delete Resource by its UUID
ResourceApi get_resource_by_uuid GET /v2/resource/{uuid} Retrieve a Spark Works Resource by its UUID
ResourceApi get_resources GET /v2/resource Retrieve a collection of Resources
ResourceApi move_resource POST /v2/resource/{uuid}/move/{targetUUID} Move Resource by its UUID
ResourceApi query_resources POST /v2/resource/query Retrieve a Resource by a query
ResourceApi update_resource POST /v2/resource/{uuid} Update Resource
UnitApi create_unit POST /v2/unit Create a Unit
UnitApi delete_unit DELETE /v2/unit/{uuid} Delete a Unit by its UUID
UnitApi get_all_units GET /v2/unit Retrieve a collection of Units
UnitApi get_unit_by_uuid GET /v2/unit/{uuid} Retrieve a Unit by its UUID
UnitApi query_units POST /v2/unit/query Retrieve a Unit by a query
UnitApi update_unit POST /v2/unit/{uuid} Update Unit
UnitConversionApi create_unit_conversion POST /v2/conversion Create a Unit Conversion
UnitConversionApi delete_unit_conversion DELETE /v2/conversion/{uuid} Delete a Unit Conversion by its UUID
UnitConversionApi get_all_unit_conversions GET /v2/conversion Retrieve a collection of Unit Conversions
UnitConversionApi get_unit_conversion_by_uuid GET /v2/conversion/{uuid} Retrieve a Unit Conversion by its UUID
UnitConversionApi query_unit_conversions POST /v2/conversion/query Retrieve a List of Unit Conversions by a query

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

